Sunday, November 29, 2009

The pharmacy America Trusts

I've decided that my new favorite past time is to be in the pharmacy. The good news is that they also pay me to be there. And almost as much as my job that I got a degree to have. What am I doing with my life? Great question.

Anyways, I want to blog my experiences in the pharmacy, because people with drugs are so entertaining.

1. Week 1 (we're going way back 2004) - lady with cast on leg gets so angry at Carly (I can't remember why she was so angry, but my guess is that her pain meds were too soon to be filled). Angry lady throws her casted leg onto the counter to demonstrate to Carly as to why she needed those medications. Vanessa steps in and saves Carly which is so nice, because it's only my first week.

2. Last week, Mike getting "gobble gobble" from a patient.

3. The guy with his girlfriend telling Rebbeca how are are his FAVORITE WALGREEN'S EVER, because his copay was less than he thought (ummm we have nothing to do with the copays, that's all the insurance), then guy goes on to tell Rebecca about his lady friend's daughter who doesn't want to pay for car insurance, so she is going to sign the car over to them and they're going to tell it and move to Vegas. Ummm hope they like the Walgreen's there as much as they like ours. Better yet: Rebecca asking me if I saw the woman's teeth and I said "oh no, I was avoiding eye contact at all cost!"

4. The patient that walks up to the counter and loudly declares that he did not get any information on his viagra prescription (note: there are about 3 other patients at the counter at this point). I honestly thought he was joking for a minute, but no, so I printed some information for him.

More to come as they come to me.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

T minus 1 month

So we have about a month to MOVE OUT. We accepted an offer on our condo (an actual GOOD offer!). Basically after all is said and done, we are breaking even since we put money down and have obviously paid off some of the mortgage. We are very happy considering the market, plus we can turn around and put that money back into a down deposit. Now we can get a nice house for a good price. It's doubtful that will happen before we close on the condo, so we're packing up the house and kids (okay cats) and moving to my parent's house for awhile. Deja vu, but we're VERY lucky to have that (very inexpensive) option before us. And I think my parents, especially my mom misses her grandkitties. :) They are very sweet I must say.

It's a little bittersweet, since it is such a nice condo. Jerry and I are so ready for the yard, the family, the expanding... so it's time. We are ready and that is ALL that matters (I can't even tell you how many "you're moving all ready?!?"s I've been getting! It's our life people!!!!! Get over it! ha). Plus I REALLY want a basement to put the litter boxes and husbands in (those would be guitar playing husbands that need basements).

The idea of cooking dinner and not smelling kitty waste is within reach! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that was the one big trouble area that we didn't think about when buying our condo. And it's not awful, it's just difficult to scoop litter while cooking :) I can multi-task with the best of them, but that's going a little too far.

Happy Halloween

Sunday, October 25, 2009

You're so new.

Jerry and I have officially begun a new phase in our life. INTERNET AT HOME! Oh my. It's been a long time since I've had the internet at home. It's a great feeling, no more forcing myself to go to school at the last minute to take a test or finish some online homework. I can cook dinner and do homework all at the same time. Right now, cookie dough is in the fridge. LOVE multi-tasking.

Jerry and Bogey playing with one of Jerry's broken guitar strings (and I am worried that Bogey will poke an eye-so far so good). This is great, because here Bogey is teaching us that little creatures (i.e. cats and babies) really prefer cheap, broken stuff over expensive toys.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

We literally lowered the price of our condo YESTERDAY and today was TWO showings. It's a little intense. Especially since we haven't found a house (the only one was love is about $40,000 too much yikes!). Anyways, I should be working on my homework, but I can't concentrate at my parent's house (we still haven't signed up for internet access at home, we keep thinking we're moving soon! Crystal ball anyone?).

Everything else is kind of messy as well. I am constantly trying to figure out how to work enough to afford a mortgage, start a family, and continue my schooling. Also I have to figure out how to get these daytime only courses in and raise my family, clean the house, etc etc. I don't see it happening (because well seriously I think about it all of the time!!!), but I also don't see me being happy if I can't continue my education. It's too important to me (too bad it wasn't so important way back when I was young and single - time machine anyone?). That's my current sob story.

Here's hoping that the cats are behaving while our condo is being toured and my procrastination. XOXO

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Sometimes I wonder if you pretend everything is okay, everything will be okay.

Anyways, Happy birthday Grandpa. Grandma is doing okay, we're okay. For reals.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jerry and I made chocolate chip cookies last night.
A first :-) They're yummy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My brain is complete toast after another fun-filled statistics exam, so why not update, verdad? Also, it's a rainy mess - one which I'd prefer to be reading Eragon and cuddling with the cats in (Jerry's at Dave's "Jamming" so he is out of the cuddling-sorry baby). Plus I know I probably won't get home in time for Idol, so I'll just get the dirt at work tomorrow (GO DANNY). This is what happens to your brain on math. It just goes and goes and nothing makes sense. Trust me, I'll dream about Chi-squares I am sure. So my venture into graded courses has gone surprisingly well. The last time I took a graded course, I had just met Jerry, so it's been quite a few years. Maybe I can do this, we'll see. It's a pain in the a*s when you're trying to work two jobs and take classes. Schools are sort-of working adult friendly, but only if you're degree seeking and seeking a degree they offer! SUCKS. How and when to get organic chemistry in has been haunting me for months. The rest I think I can manage taking WCTC night courses. A few days ago, I tried logging into PAWS (don't ask what that stands for, because I do not know) at UW-M and I am still good to go. I last went there in 2004! I got an A in step aerobics, haha. Love it. I'd love to go back to UW-M, but not at night. I have gotten paranoid with my age.

Go Gokey. Carly's running in the rain, well probably not running... it'd take a lot more than some rain to make me run. Why do people run for fun?? I like a nice stroll mano-y-mano con mi esposo.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sometimes I wonder if Jerry and I should just sell the condo, rent a cute studio apartment, not have kids, and just live a quiet life traveling and spending money freely. I could work part-time, have my sanity, take classes, proceed towards graduate school before I'm 40 years old. I could take my medication for my back, less physial pain. Jerry could have all of his guitars, etc. etc. Carly tired, can you tell?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


15 years ago, I was in the ranks of pet owning hamsters, fish, etc. 24 hours later, Earth day 1994, we changed that. We drove to a farm somewhere in SE Wisconsin and my sister said she wanted the puppy with the white butt. We took her home in our recycling bin (irony on Earth day) because we didn't have a kennel yet. That kennel lasted about a month for the records - she preferred the water beds (and was allowed on them! Spoiled!).

Beagles do not age well, so her last year or so was really rough on her and us - of course. When we did make the decision to put her to sleep, we knew it was the right decision. She was so sick. She went blind from glaucoma surgery in 2006, she had arthritis, and she was just old. The vets think she had a brain tumor, which was causing seizures and hallucinations - this only went on for a week, because we knew it was her time to go. Nobody should have to live with all of that, she lived her wonderful life, but it was time to go.

3/3/94 - 5/7/07. Happy 15th Anniversary tomorrow Abby Rose!

This is her last trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house (with our papa) -- the only place besides my parent's home that she could navigate without help (after she went blind). Looking very old here.

While, we're talking pets, here are my boys! Happy and healthy!

Monday, April 20, 2009

My life line

This is a reenactment. Original is dated 11/99! I had found the photo from 11/99 at my parent's house while I was waiting to leave for my grandparent's house. We happened to be traveling to my grandparent's house because one of the above cousins (far right) was in town with her dad from Washington state. My other cousin is from Madison. Then it's me and my sister. Maybe someday I'll get the original scanned. It's pretty cute.

I don't know those people in back, but the two in front are my grandparents. All right, fine, I do know those two in back! My uncle and cousin from Washington.

Monday, April 13, 2009

6/16/30 - 12/16/08

Today I learned that we will be burying my Grandpa next weekend. Not exactly how I wanted to start my Monday. No one really talks about how when someone dies during winter in Wisconsin, you can't just bury them. So now my Grandpa's remains (he was cremated in December) will finally be laid to rest as the ground begins to unthaw. Four months later. I miss my cutie pie Grandpa (see left - how cute is he?).

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

and the felines

Carly + Jerry - one officially.

We are what we are. Somedays I want to change that, others I just want it all to go away. What I know is: strength is Carly + Jerry.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I found this:

"My Mom is a Survivor
My mom is a survivor,
or so I've heard it said.
But I can hear her crying when all others are in bed.
I watch her lay awake at night and go to hold her hand.
She doesn't know I'm with here to help her understand.
But like the sands upon a beach that never wash away...
I watch over my surviving mom who thinks of me each day.
She wears a smile for others, a smile of disguise.
But through Heaven's open door, I see tears flowing from her eyes.
My mom tries to cope with my death, to keep my memory alive.
But anyone who knows her knows it's her way to survive.
As I watch over my surviving mom through Heaven's open door...
I try to tell her that Angel protect me forevermore.
I know that doesn't help her, or ease the burdens she bears.
So if you get a chance, call to her
And show her that you care.
For no matter what she feels, my surviving mom has a broken heart that time won't ever heal."
~K. D'Ormeaux

Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

High Risk

So, me and baby are very special! We've been put in the 6-8% of all pregnancies category of "high risk." I have a feeling that they are overreacting, but better safe than sorry. I have this spinal condition (my hindbrain hangs down into my spinal cord, which disrupts the spinal fluid and causes problems including a pocket of spinal fluid just chilling out on my spinal cord), so apparently that earns me a visit to a perinatalogist. Right now, I'm not sure who is delivering our baby. The nurse at OB said this perinatalogist would, but I'm not sure I believe that. The good side of all of this is that we move to Children's Hospital Clinics instead of the East Clinic at the hospital. We weren't terribly impressed with the hospital clinic. It was chaos and most of the staff wasn't friendly.

Good news: My sister found me a super cheap maternity swimsuit online at Wal-Mart. All this stress makes my back hurt. That's the story. We have an ultrasound on Thursday, so hopefully that'll put some worry to rest!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Here's the current worry: who is going to take care of this child when the maternity leave is over? I could just cry. Aaah so much planning! And I'm kind of thinking with a baby, you plan plan plan and plan and then everything ends up being chaos anyways!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

One thing that is great about being pregnant at this time is that you get to totally ignore all of New Year's resolutions to lose weight. All those commercials, etc. all ignored! It's great. However, I am realllllly sick of eating. But if I don't, I feel sick, so I'm not winning over here.

We head to the OB's office to meet with an RN on Thursday, then we get set up with a midwife and probably all of the ultrasound stuff.

On Friday, Jerry said, "I can't wait to hold the baby." Isn't he the sweetest? I almost cried and I'm pretty sure that has nothing to do with my fragile emotional state!

Friday, January 9, 2009

I thought this would be fun after reading Jerry's cousin's blog. Their lives are a lot more interesting though (100 fingers, 100 toes in all - yep a lot more interesting than me!).

So, baby has kindly decided to move enough that my sciatic nerve is no longer a pain! Woohoo! No more limping for now. Now if only this child would stop making me feel nauseous, we'd be in business.

I'm hoping I can talk Jerry into loading some photos eventually, so we can watch us grow. :) What a fun, crazy, scary, exciting time!