Tuesday, April 21, 2009


15 years ago, I was in the ranks of pet owning hamsters, fish, etc. 24 hours later, Earth day 1994, we changed that. We drove to a farm somewhere in SE Wisconsin and my sister said she wanted the puppy with the white butt. We took her home in our recycling bin (irony on Earth day) because we didn't have a kennel yet. That kennel lasted about a month for the records - she preferred the water beds (and was allowed on them! Spoiled!).

Beagles do not age well, so her last year or so was really rough on her and us - of course. When we did make the decision to put her to sleep, we knew it was the right decision. She was so sick. She went blind from glaucoma surgery in 2006, she had arthritis, and she was just old. The vets think she had a brain tumor, which was causing seizures and hallucinations - this only went on for a week, because we knew it was her time to go. Nobody should have to live with all of that, she lived her wonderful life, but it was time to go.

3/3/94 - 5/7/07. Happy 15th Anniversary tomorrow Abby Rose!

This is her last trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house (with our papa) -- the only place besides my parent's home that she could navigate without help (after she went blind). Looking very old here.

While, we're talking pets, here are my boys! Happy and healthy!

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