My brain is complete toast after another fun-filled statistics exam, so why not update, verdad? Also, it's a rainy mess - one which I'd prefer to be reading Eragon and cuddling with the cats in (Jerry's at Dave's "Jamming" so he is out of the cuddling-sorry baby). Plus I know I probably won't get home in time for Idol, so I'll just get the dirt at work tomorrow (GO DANNY). This is what happens to your brain on math. It just goes and goes and nothing makes sense. Trust me, I'll dream about Chi-squares I am sure. So my venture into graded courses has gone surprisingly well. The last time I took a graded course, I had just met Jerry, so it's been quite a few years. Maybe I can do this, we'll see. It's a pain in the a*s when you're trying to work two jobs and take classes. Schools are sort-of working adult friendly, but only if you're degree seeking and seeking a degree they offer! SUCKS. How and when to get organic chemistry in has been haunting me for months. The rest I think I can manage taking WCTC night courses. A few days ago, I tried logging into PAWS (don't ask what that stands for, because I do not know) at UW-M and I am still good to go. I last went there in 2004! I got an A in step aerobics, haha. Love it. I'd love to go back to UW-M, but not at night. I have gotten paranoid with my age.
Go Gokey. Carly's running in the rain, well probably not running... it'd take a lot more than some rain to make me run. Why do people run for fun?? I like a nice stroll mano-y-mano con mi esposo.
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